Friday, February 24, 2012

For example, more than half of all women

Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D.

often find that the main cause of osteoporosis is low calcium intake and lower levels of estrogen during menopause. Tracking cross-cultural perspective, however, we find that this is not always true. For example, people in many countries have lower calcium intake than in the U.S., but osteoporosis is less common in these cultures. For example, calcium Japanese only recently risen to 540 mg per day, far less than the U.S. RDA for postmenopausal women in the 1200 mg per day. Nevertheless, the U.S. hip fracture rate in half over Japan! In fact, studies have shown that countries with the highest calcium intake have the highest rates of hip fracture. In addition, I identified at least. The same is true for estrogen. Women everywhere experience decline in estrogen during menopause, but not all women experience. Explaining osteoporosis on the natural decline in estrogen levels during menopause is too simplified. The fact that the Mayan Indian women, women in Africa Bantu and Japanese women are lower levels of estrogen than in women of different ethnic groups in the United States, but they experience far fewer fractures than American women. In addition, several years before menopause when a rapid bone loss in most women, but estrogen levels in women, this time is usually higher than during her reproductive age. There are ways. It is not easy, however, to predict who will actually suffer osteoporotic fractures. Bone density tests try to measure bone mass in different areas of the body, and markers of bone resorption can tell if your body is probably excessive bone destruction at any time. These tests can detect low bone density and high breakdown bone fracture occurs, and thus help determine your chances of future fractures. They can not, however, to predict who will break. For example, more than half of all women who experience osteoporotic fractures do not have osteoporosis bone density. They have moderate or low bone density, known as osteopenia, or even normal bone density. Given this, all, even those with good bone density, would do well to keep strong bones potential applications. A more realistic picture of the causes of osteoporosis bone layer represents different factors, each building on each other. Each bone, drain the factor adds to the other, until the total load higher than our bones can support, so to speak. Camel image shown here shows the many factors that affect the poor health and fractures. An array of factors bone layer wider and more important than previously assumed. Camel picture shows that there are many complex factors that influence osteoporosis and even this overloaded camel does not include all of them! It is almost impossible, indeed, for any single person in all these factors going on at once, though, of course, many of them interrelated. But it shows us that the cause of osteoporosis can vary greatly from person to person.homeopathic immune system boosters So it makes sense that the best way to prevent and treat osteoporosis will vary from person to person. Each case must be carefully analyzed to develop the best individual programs of osteoporosis. However, for all dietary improvements including changes in diet therapy

add nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes are powerful tools to strengthen bones. At the Center for Better Bones, our first step in the development of individual programs Better Bones is always the same. That is comprehensively assess each individual case, making every effort to identify the causes of bone loss and bone weakening for this person. Once we understand the causes of root problems, we proceed to develop

, that stop osteoporosis, and create and strengthen bones. As you begin to think about how to improve your bone health, take a moment and look at our wobbly camel, with all forces in several bone layer of burden. What load can be changed? If you want to buy and restore bone strength? Remember, never too late (or too early) to build and restore bone! For more information on the topic of osteoporosis and bone loss, read additional articles here:

The Center Better Bones we support all natural approach to bone regeneration and repair

, which includes nutrition, diet, exercise and lifestyle management. Our

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assess the risk of fractures and learn

on the health of your bones. Learn how to create the Center for Better Bones

in East Syracuse, New York, or by phone. Questions about personal program better bones? Call toll free at 1-877-200-1269

. Original Publication Date: Last change: Main Author: Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D.

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